Another blogpost

March 5, 2024

Another blogpost (449427ff-0d09-4644-adc4-dec300a3d0a8)

It's written in Notion and pre-rendered on this page using Next.js getInitialProps. It also uses Incremental Static Generation with the validate option so the content updates when the source is edited.

✌️ nice icon

text gray brown orange yellow green blue purple pink red

bg-text bg-gray bg-brown bg-orange bg-yellow bg-green bg-blue bg-purple bg-pink bg-red


bookmark-capition bookmark-capition bookmark-capition bookmark-capition bookmark-capition bookmark-capition bookmark-capition bookmark-capition


  1. Write blogpost in Notion
    1. list child 1
    2. list child 2
  2. Use Notions public API
  3. Profit!

Now I'm just writing placeholder content to try out the different blocks available. How about a link, bold text, strikethrough text, italic text and code? Colored text?



Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Paragraph text with date @2024-01-28 空白文章6

paragraph text with comment

bulleted list

  • bulleted list 1


  • bulleted list 2
  • bulleted list 3

number list

  1. numbered list 1
  2. numbered list 2
  3. numbered list 3 @2024-01-29



What is this?

It's the children of a toggle!

list demo

  • list in toggle
    • sub list in toggle

toggle over

toggle in list

content in toggle

Richelle E. Goodrich

"The direction you choose to face determines whether you’re standing at the end or the beginning of a road."


Lacey Sturm

"God is so good to give us new days and New Years since He knows we need so many times to start over."



external icon
callout in list
callout here pre-wrap content
external icon
callout with icon
external icon
bus - 1

code blocks

graph TD
  Mermaid --> Diagram
  • child
    // FromFediAPI wraps a message that travels from the federating API into the processor.
    type FromFediAPI struct {
        APObjectType     string
        APActivityType   string
        APIri            *url.URL
        APObjectModel    interface{}       // Optional AP model of the Object of the Activity. Should be Accountable or Statusable.
        GTSModel         interface{}       // Optional GTS model of the Activity or Object.
        ReceivingAccount *gtsmodel.Account // Local account which owns the inbox that this Activity was posted to.
[javascript] a caption for code block
export const getDatabase = async (databaseId) => {
  const response = await notion.databases.query({
    database_id: databaseId,
  return response.results;

file block



/next-blogger/next-blogger ‹main* » ls          components.json    lib                node_modules       postcss.config.js  tsconfig.json
app                config             next-env.d.ts      package-lock.json  public             types
components         env.mjs            next.config.js     package.json       tailwind.config.ts


  • c21
  • c22



Susan Rebecca White

"What a seductive belief—that one can start fresh simply by jettisoning one’s history, that one can leave all that is painful or unsavory behind."

External Image

Notion-hosted image
Notion-hosted image
Sweden100 SEK
A very long long long long long long long long long A very long long long long long long long long long  
db title
0 of 3 row(s) selected.

Rows per page

Page 1 of 1
Inner database

Column 1

list column

  • c1
  • c2


Column 2


here in tog



To edit a block change the renderBlock function in [id].js


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